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NVC Resources on Compassion

  1. The Heart and Science of Empathy

    The Heart and Science of Empathy

    (5 Session Course)

    Eric Bowers

    Multi-session Course · 6 - 8 hours · 3/8/2020

    Join CNVC Certified Trainer Eric Bowers in journeying through the world of Interpersonal Neurobiology (IPNB) as he expands on the theories and tools from his book Meet Me In Hard-to-Love Places: The Heart and Science of Relationship Success. You'll discover why IPNB and NVC complement each other so well, especially in the powerful practice of Somatic-Based Resonant Empathy.

  2. In October 2016, CNVC Certified Trainer Gitta Zimmerman held her 5th international workshop for people working with street children in Ruhpolding, Germany. This time most of the participants were already experienced, and we were merging more and more into a family. The workshop focus was on “mediation” and “entrepreneurship.

  3. "I'm Not Good Enough" and Other Leadership Myths

    "I'm Not Good Enough" and Other Leadership Myths

    Roxy Manning

    Articles · 7 - 11 minutes · 11/27/2018

    Do you yearn to step forward in leadership, but know you're holding back? Clinical psychologist, organizational consultant, and speaker, Roxy Manning, PhD, shows us that more than external factors, its our internal beliefs and fears that provide the main barrier to moving forward.  She does this by taking us through three myths of leadership, and weaves in anecdotes to illustrate how tapping our unique (often lesser recognized) qualities, can be the way forward we've been seeking. Learn ways to move forward, even if at first it appears that (1.) others can "do it better", (2.) you need to be more prepared, or even if (3.) the material you're conveying isn't so original (and has been used many times).

  4. Nonviolence in the Face of Hatred

    Nonviolence in the Face of Hatred

    Miki Kashtan

    Articles · 14 - 21 minutes · 5/23/2019

    When Anita's sister reveals that the Ku Klux Klan broke into her home and dragged her out into a field towards a burning cross, Anita's commitment to nonviolence is challenged. Here, Miki highlights practices and lessons from her story of inner struggle -- including an insight about how, even in extreme polarization, our freedom and healing is wrapped up in others' freedom and healing.

  5. Choosing Whom We Empathize With

    Choosing Whom We Empathize With

    Mary Mackenzie

    Trainer Tips · 1 - 2 minutes · 10/24/2019

    Trainer Tip: One of the basic philosophies of Nonviolent Communication is valuing everyone’s needs equally. That means that you consider your needs to be equal to another person’s needs. If someone asks you for empathy, and you choose to empathize at you own expense, you're not living in a Nonviolent Communication consciousness. Be aware of your own needs today when someone asks you to be their emotional support.

  6. Feedback without Criticism

    Feedback without Criticism

    (5 Session Course)

    Miki Kashtan

    Multi-session Course · 8 - 11 hours · 9/17/2019

    This 5-session telecourse recording is designed to support you in learning what makes giving and receiving feedback challenging and how you can turn these experiences into opportunities for learning, connection, and effective functioning.

  7. Taking 100% Responsibility for Every Relationship

    Taking 100% Responsibility for Every Relationship

    (4 Session Course)

    Miki Kashtan

    Multi-session Course · 4 - 6 hours · 10/27/2019

    Taking 100% Responsibility offers a powerful antidote to the all-too-common dynamic of blaming that leaves you in the victim position and unable to have the relationship you want. Miki invites you to assume a stance of leadership while holding full care for both parties’ needs. No longer will you need to wait for the other person to change, nor will you need to give up your needs to reach harmony.

  8. Self-Empathy for Self-Evolution

    Self-Empathy for Self-Evolution

    (6 Session Course)

    Kelly Bryson

    Multi-session Course · 7-10 hours · 3/9/2020

    Join Kelly Bryson and go Psychologically and Spiritually Spelunking into your own Caverns of Consciousness, using the inner mining tools of NVC Self-Empathy, Progoff Journaling processes, Focusing, and individual work. Get self-empathy tools that will help you rejuvenate yourself and your relationships.

  9. Here are 14 more key differentiations that are not, at time of publishing this, on the CNVC key differentiations list. They can be used to support people who are on the path of learning and integrating NVC in making sense of their own understanding of their journey and where they are within it. And it can be used to support people who share NVC with others in offering brief information in support of understanding and learning.

  10. Unconditional Self-Acceptance

    Unconditional Self-Acceptance

    A Simple Daily Practice

    Robert Gonzales

    Practice Exercises · 3 minutes · 4/1/2022

    Here's a daily self-acceptance practice you can bring into your life whenever you are experiencing pain, tension, contraction, lack of fulfillment, or unmet needs or values. Giving your often undesired experiences space can be a path to greater inner connection and peace.

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