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NVC Resources on Values

  1. How to Create a “Living” Organization

    How to Create a “Living” Organization

    Gregg Kendrick

    Audio · 1 hour, 5 minutes · 7/1/2016

    Listen to this interview with Gregg Kendrick and one of his clients to learn how to successfully introduce NVC into an organization that is unfamiliar with the concept. Gregg’s client, Dale Neikirk, will be sharing how NVC has supported and improved the results of his insurance company, through Gregg’s masterly facilitation.

  2. With abundant evidence that most people have unconscious biases against people --even when that bias runs counter to their own values-- there's a strong chance you recreate this disconnect with people far more often than you recognize. So even with a high degree of NVC skills you may behave in a way that seems "NVC" but also reproduces the painful patterns that marginalized people all-too-often experience. Read on for ways to transform pitfalls of NVC into more reliable connection.

  3. In a "power with" consciousness you're aware of, and responsible for, your needs and values while considering and hearing others needs. Whereas regarding someone with earned authority, you trust her capacity and discernment is based on her experience and expertise. Read on for signs of when you are slipping into power under, power over, or power with, and how that fits with earned authority.

  4. How To Stop Arguing

    How To Stop Arguing

    Oren Jay Sofer

    Articles · 9 - 13 minutes · 9/27/2021

    Transform arguments with these steps: take responsibility for your mind, increase your capacity for discomfort, slow down, show up and remember your values, offer understanding, take risks, and speak from your heart. Learning new skills takes time, energy and effort. However, it’s entirely possible to radically shift the way we communicate. The key is patience, persistence, and taking it one step at a time.

  5. Exercise In Self Compassion

    Exercise In Self Compassion

    Robert Gonzales

    Practice Exercises · 1 - 3 minutes · 3/2/2022

    With this exercise you'll choose an experience you had with someone where your needs were not met. You'll work with the related feelings, judgements, values, and feeling the fullness of the need even though it was not met, plus any sadness that may arise.

  6. The Inside Job of Collaboration

    The Inside Job of Collaboration

    (4 Session Course)

    Miki Kashtan

    Multi-session Course · 5 - 7 hours · 9/15/2022

    Although we are evolutionarily designed for collaborating with others when attending to our basic needs, the weight of the systems and cultural messages we have inherited interfere. Many of us are doubtful that collaboration is possible or effective, and most of us lack both the faith and the skills to live collaboratively, regardless of cultural imperatives. Miki helps us navigate this terrain.

  7. When Hearing A “No”

    When Hearing A “No”

    Demanding Versus Persisting

    Mary Mackenzie

    Trainer Tips · 2 - 3 minutes · 12/20/2021

    Trainer Tip: When they say "no", acknowledge what people are saying "yes" to. From there, you persist towards a resolution that values both party's needs, without demand. Persisting is when we try to meet needs by continuing to connect with another. Demanding is when we insist someone do something, or else face negative repercussions. Showing care and willingness to work with people can help them to want to collaborate and resolve conflict.

  8. The Building Blocks of Interpersonal Collaboration

    The Building Blocks of Interpersonal Collaboration

    (4 Session Course)

    Miki Kashtan

    Multi-session Course · 5 - 7 hours · 10/15/2022

    Don’t know how to effectively work through differences with others in your organization? You are not alone… Like most of us, you simply lack the training and skills – and that’s what you’ll acquire listening to this course recording. Join Miki and learn specific tools and tips that work – for everyone!

  9. Creating and Sustaining Strong Teams

    Creating and Sustaining Strong Teams

    (4 Session Course)

    Miki Kashtan

    Multi-session Course · 5 - 7 hours · 11/15/2022

    In this course recording, you'll encounter new abilities and learn how to collaborate effectively from WITHIN a team. You'll be invited to build on interpersonal relationships, and branch out into the exciting challenges present when people work together toward a shared purpose.

  10. Complex Truth-Telling And Empowered Change

    Complex Truth-Telling And Empowered Change

    Sarah Peyton

    Articles · 3 - 5 minutes · 09/05/2023

    When avoidance coping or positive thinking sidesteps challenges, internal and external injustice and unrest also rises as we sidestep our values and integrity. It leaves us in sadness and distress. What's unacknowledged impacts ourselves and others undesirably. To live nonviolently we need to be in touch with what's real. With resonance we can more likely be with what's true, and trust our resilience and inner alignment.

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